Watture for network operators

How can we manage the impact of EV charging on our grid in terms of system design? What interaction with market players is needed to accommodate EV charging? When and where can we expect to see EV charging?

How can we interact with our customers to promote smart charging and V2G? How to integrate EVs into urban planning, regulatory frameworks and regional energy strategies?

Watture can help you answer these questions by providing market insights, policy design and charging infrastructure topology. Drawing on over a decade of experience, Watture will strengthen your strategy and tactics by linking technological innovation, regulation and consumer behaviour. It does this by applying a user-centred approach.

Watture produces

  • Impact analysis
  • Market outlook, overview of smart charging models and technological solutions
  • Functional and technical requirements for smart charging
  • Road maps and action plan for roll-out and grid integration
  • Benchmark and SWOT analysis
  • Strategy review

In the spotlight

User-centred strategies on the way to 100% smart electric mobility

Watture helps you to successfully integrate electric mobility into your programme, policy framework or business activities and to realise the benefits of smart charging – in charging infrastructure planning and user-centric services. Watture can help organisations and teams sharpen their product, improve their deployment strategy and keep up to date with new developments. Drawing on […]

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User-centred strategies on the way to 100% smart electric mobility

The expertise of Watture